Big Day Details

Reach out if you need any more details regarding our special day but more can be found on the transport and FAQs page. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!

Wedding Schedule
11:30 Guests Arrive at the Church: Bethan’s guests arrive to the left and Jonny’s guests arrive to the right as you come in - leaving space for the wedding party at the front.
12:00 Ceremony Starts The ceremony is approximately 45 minutes, with time for marriage licenses and photos after.
13:30 Transport to the Venue: The transport will be provided between the church and the venue - please see more in transport.
15:00 Wedding Breakfast and Speeches: There will be a drinks reception with a chance to explore the venue prior.
18:30 Time to get ready to party There will be a storage area for any luggage, makeup, and costumes before the party.
19:00 Halloween Party Starts! Bring your best costume and dancing shoes! We will also be serving evening food at this time.
00:00 Home Time: Our wedding will finish at midnight, and we will be in touch individually to help sort how you get back from the venue to where you are staying.

Who to contact on the day

If you have any worries or emergency concerns on the day, rather than reaching out to the bride or groom, the following people are on hand:

Maid of Honour - Hannah McHugh

Best Man - Will Birch

(Phone numbers to be added week of the wedding)